I'm trying to implement a bell number finder + summation in Haskell. I'm fairly confident that my methods are correct, but I'm having problems with some errors at compile time. My current error message is:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( survey2.hs, survey2.o )
Expected a constraint, but ‘Integer’ has kind ‘*’
In the type signature for ‘binomial’:
binomial :: (Integer, Integer) => Integer
Expected a constraint, but ‘Integer’ has kind ‘*’
In the type signature for ‘bellSum’: bellSum :: Integer => Integer**
I'm totally new to haskell and new to functional languages in general. Based on this error, I have tried changing my "function definitions" (Or whatever you call them in Haskell), but I just seem to cause more errors.
The end goal of the program is to print the sum of the bell numbers 0-9.
factorial n
| n <= 1 = 1
| otherwise = n * factorial(n-1)
binomial :: (Integer, Integer) => Integer
binomial n k
| k > n = 0
| k < 0 = 0
| otherwise = factorial(n) / factorial(n-k) * factorial(k)
bell n
| n <= 1 = 1
| otherwise = sum [ binomial (n-1, k-1) * bell (k-1) | k<-[0..n-1] ]
bellSum :: Integer => Integer
bellSum n = sum [ bell(k) | k<-[0..n] ]
main = bell(9 :: Integer)
Note that this is not consistent (=>
should be ->
binomial :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
binomial n k
either change to
binomial :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
binomial n k
binomial :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
binomial (n, k)
Another hint for you, you can compute binomial without the factorial function (or even multiplication)
binomial n k | k==0 || k==n = 1
| k==1 = n
| otherwise = binomial (n-1) (k-1) + binomial (n-1) k
this is still very inefficient but it can be memoized.