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How can I use a scanner in .NET?

I'm developing an archiving system application that needs to scan documents and store them in a database. I'm looking for suggestions on how to integrate scanning functionality into my application and store the scanned documents in the database. What libraries or APIs can I use for scanning documents and what would be a suitable approach for storing the scanned documents in a database?


  • Although scanning and printing are two separate areas and you have asked both terms together but I have explained both that what you may need to get started. Search further on TWAIN Scanning in C#/VB.Net.

    For printing you may use .Net API/Winforms however for scanning purpose you will need to use TWAIN SDK/Wrapper for .Net. Some of the options are explained below.

    1- Printing

     PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
     pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(PrintPage);
     PrintDialog pdi = new PrintDialog();
     pdi.Document = pd;
     if (pdi.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
          MessageBox.Show("Print Cancelled");

    2 - Scanning Possibilities:

    a - Free/opensource

    b - Paid SDK