I'm trying to show bootstrap popover by click on svg circle. SVG content is loaded from file:
<object type="image/svg+xml" id="svgobj" data="test.svg"></object>
Now I have 2 issues:
1) Wrong position of a popover
2) After closing by "x" button a popover shows again only on second button click
var svg = document.getElementById("svgobj");
var svgDoc = svg.contentDocument;
var circle = $(svgDoc.getElementById("circle"));
var opts = {
title: '<span class="text-info">Title</span><button type="button" id="close" class="close" onclick="$(".popover").popover("hide");">×</button>',
html: true,
content: 'Content',
trigger: 'click',
placement: 'auto',
container: 'body'
Plunker is here http://plnkr.co/edit/HwQhJEGSZIf8f6JxilEI?p=preview
In order to proper positioning of a popover I've used d3.js to load SVG from file:
svg = d3.select("#svgplace")
.attr('width', "600px")
.attr('height', "600px")
d3.xml("test.svg", "image/svg+xml", function (error, xml) {
if (error) throw error;
var importedNode = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);
var clone = importedNode.cloneNode(true);
2-nd issue caused by the bug in bootstrap since v3.3.5: Tooltip/Popover methods show/hide/toggle don't work properly with click triggering
if ($.fn.popover.Constructor.VERSION == "3.3.5" || $.fn.popover.Constructor.VERSION == "3.3.6") {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').on("hidden.bs.popover", function() {
$(this).data("bs.popover").inState.click = false