I am completely stuck. I need to be walked through the process for using the AWS-SDK for Ruby to transcode video. I'm not sure where to even begin. I'm uploading files using CarrierWave-Direct to an s3 bucket. The records are uploaded and recalled fine. The uploading is done in the background using Sidekiq. Where do I go from here? How do I kick off the Transcoding job? How do I maintain a record of the files for later streaming in my database? Can I transcode along with my uploading Sidekiq process? I'm ripping my hair out for trying to find a solution for this.
The transcoding actions are defined inside the class AWS::ElasticTranscoder.
Transcoding process can be initiated once your upload to s3 has been completed. For a simple transcoder to work, you need to have
Now initiate AWS::ElasticTranscoder::Client class
transcoder = AWS::ElasticTranscoder::Client.new(:access_key_id => AwsKeyId,:secret_access_key => AwsAccessKey,:region=>TranscoderRegion)
Create pipeline:
transcoder.create_pipeline(options = {
:name => “test_pipeline”,
:input_bucket => “bucket_name” ,
:output_bucket => “bucket_name”,
:role => Elastic-Transcoder-Default-Role,
:content_config => {
:bucket => “bucket_name”,
:storage_class => Standard
:thumbnail_config => {
:bucket => “bucket_name”,
:storage_class => Standard
This will return a pipelineId that can be used for creating jobs.
Now you can create a job as follows:
:input=> {
:frame_rate=> "auto",
:resolution => "auto",
:aspect_ratio => "auto",
:container => 'auto'
This will start the transcoding process. You can check the status of the job by using read_job method. Once the status becomes 'Completed' from 'Progressing', the output files will be there in the specified output bucket.
Please go through these links:
http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSRubySDK/latest/AWS/ElasticTranscoder/Client.html http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elastictranscoder/latest/developerguide/system-presets.html
AWS::SNS provides a better way of getting notified about the transcoding job status. You can subscribe to an sns topic for getting the jobs status. The response for a completed job will contain the necessary details about the output files, so that you can store it in database for future streaming.
For more info, refer this link