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Trying to read mm/dd/yyyy format in sql while creating table

So I am very new in SQL and I am trying to create a table where I will later import a .csv file. In this table there is a time stamp column that I want to set it up to read mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss, yet I've tried doing this:

 create table Particle_counter_HiSam ( time_utc  timestamp(m/d/Y hh:mi:ss),...

and i get this error

 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "m"

I just can't seem to figure this out.

Any help will do. Thanks!


  • Create the table as normal timestamp and use SET with STR_TO_DATE in load data infile as below.

    -- table definition
    create table Particle_counter_HiSam ( time_utc  timestamp, ... );
    -- load data
    load data infile 'data.csv' 
    into table Particle_counter_HiSam
    fields terminated BY ',' ESCAPED BY ""
    lines terminated by '\r\n'
    (@var1, c2, ....)
    SET time_utc = STR_TO_DATE(@var1,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%S');