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What's the best way to logout with ColdFusion?

cflogout does not seem to clear the CFID and CFTOKEN values. Is cflogout only used with cflogin?

In this instance, I am not using cflogin. I am setting session variables because of the issues with cflogin. It worked before CF11 Update 7, however, CF11U7 seemed to resolve the cflogin double issue. Anyone else?

Is this all that I need? If so, it's not working.

<cfset structDelete(session, "CFTOKEN")>
<cfset structDelete(session, "CFID")>

What is the best way to logout using ColdFusion?


  • <cfscript>

    This will delete ALL session variables.




        StructDelete(Session, "MySessionStructure")

    Will delete a specific variable (1) or structure(2) in the session scope.