I have two views, the first is a table that show all authorizations, how I make for pass only the authorizations checked for other view?
This is first view: (all ok here)
<% @authorizations.each do |authorization| %>
<td><%= check_box_tag 'authorization_marked' %></td>
<%= f.button :submit, "To Reserve" %>
My first and second controller:
def index
if params[:search_employee_by_cpf].present?
@employees = Employee.search_cpf(params[:search_employee_by_cpf]).all
@authorizations = Authorization.search_employee_by_cpf(params[:search_employee_by_cpf]).all
@authorizations = []
# GET /refinancings/new
def new
@employee = Employee.search_cpf(params[:search_employee_by_cpf])
@authorizations.authorization_marked = true # PROBLEM HERE
@refinancing = Refinancing.new
In other view I want show just the checked:
<h3>Reserved value</h3>
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
<th>Contract number</th>
<th>Parcel value X Quantity of Parcels</th>
<% @authorizations.each do |authorization| %>
<td><%= authorization.contract_number %></td>
<td><%= number_to_currency authorization.parcel_value %> x <%= authorization.qtd_parcel %></td>
<% end %>
I got it! It is My solution, created a repository for this, take a look on code: