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managedObjectContext for NSManagedObject becomes nil after restoring app from inactive

Maybe you can help, I couldn't find anything similar in other questions, so I guess I might miss something obvious.

I have the CoreData + iCloud App in Swift.

Problem Scenario:

  1. Launch app
  2. NSManagedObject read/update
  3. Press "Home" (make app inactive)
  4. Restore app
  5. NSManagedObject read/update

If I have logged into iCloud on my device then this works fine.

If I am logged out of iCloud, then all app works fine, just if I do the problem scenario, then on step 5 the managedObjectContext for NSManagedObject is nil, so I cannot make any changes to it, and because of lost context it off course crashes as soon as I need the context for an existing object.

My Question:

  1. Why this is happening as in Problem Scenario?
  2. How to fix this, so that if app has become inactive, and then active, without iCloud user logged in, the CoreData keeps working?

My CoreDataStack:

class CoreDataStack: CustomStringConvertible
    static let sharedManager = CoreDataStack()
    static let applicationDocumentsDirectoryName = ""
    static let errorDomain = "CoreDataStack"

    static let modelName = "DB"
    static let storeName = "DB"
    static var storeFileName: String
        return storeName + ".sqlite"
    var options : [String : AnyObject]?

    var inMemory: Bool = false

    var description: String
        var desc = "context: \(self.managedObjectContext)\n" +
            "modelName: \(CoreDataStack.modelName)" +
            "storeURL: \(self.storeURL)"

        desc += "\nPersistent Stores:\n"
        for store in persistentStoreCoordinator.persistentStores
            desc += "* \(store.URL!.absoluteString)"

        return desc

    lazy var managedObjectModel: NSManagedObjectModel =
        let modelURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(modelName, withExtension: "momd")!
        return NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: modelURL)!

    lazy var persistentStoreCoordinator: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator =
        let coordinator = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(managedObjectModel: self.managedObjectModel)

            if self.inMemory
                try coordinator.addPersistentStoreWithType(
                    configuration: nil,
                    URL: nil,
                    options: nil)
            } else
                try coordinator.addPersistentStoreWithType(
                    configuration: nil,
                    URL: self.storeURL,
                    options: self.options)
        } catch var error as NSError
            VTLog.error("Persistent Store Error: \(error)")
        } catch
            fatalError("Error creating Persistent Store!")
        return coordinator

    /// The directory the application uses to store the Core Data store file.
    lazy var applicationSupportDirectory: NSURL =
        let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
        let urls = fileManager.URLsForDirectory(.ApplicationSupportDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
        let applicationSupportDirectoryURL = urls.last!
        let applicationSupportDirectory =

            let properties = try applicationSupportDirectory.resourceValuesForKeys([NSURLIsDirectoryKey])

            if let isDirectory = properties[NSURLIsDirectoryKey] as? Bool where isDirectory == false
                let description = NSLocalizedString("Could not access the application data folder.",
                                                    comment: "Failed to initialize applicationSupportDirectory.")
                let reason = NSLocalizedString("Found a file in its place.",
                                               comment: "Failed to initialize applicationSupportDirectory.")

                throw NSError(domain: errorDomain, code: 201, userInfo:
                    NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description,
                    NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: reason
        } catch let error as NSError where error.code != NSFileReadNoSuchFileError
            fatalError("Error occured: \(error).")
        } catch
            let path = applicationSupportDirectory.path!

                try fileManager.createDirectoryAtPath(path, withIntermediateDirectories:true, attributes:nil)
                fatalError("Could not create application documents directory at \(path).")

        return applicationSupportDirectory

    /// URL for the main Core Data store file.
    lazy var storeURL: NSURL =
        return self.applicationSupportDirectory.URLByAppendingPathComponent(storeFileName)

    lazy var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext =
        let context = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .MainQueueConcurrencyType)
        context.persistentStoreCoordinator = self.persistentStoreCoordinator
        return context

    // ****************************************
    // MARK: - iCloud Sync
    // ****************************************

    var updateContextWithUbiquitousContentUpdates: Bool = false
            ubiquitousChangesObserver = newValue ? NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() : nil

    private var ubiquitousChangesObserver: NSNotificationCenter?
                name: NSPersistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChangesNotification,
                object: persistentStoreCoordinator)

                selector: #selector(self.persistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChanges(_:)),
                name: NSPersistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChangesNotification,
                object: persistentStoreCoordinator)

                name: NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorStoresWillChangeNotification,
                object: persistentStoreCoordinator)

                selector: #selector(self.persistentStoreCoordinatorWillChangeStores(_:)),
                name: NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorStoresWillChangeNotification,
                object: persistentStoreCoordinator)

    @objc func persistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChanges(notification: NSNotification)
        VTLog.debug("Merging ubiquitous content changes")


    @objc func persistentStoreCoordinatorWillChangeStores(notification: NSNotification)

        if managedObjectContext.hasChanges
            } catch let error as NSError
                print("Error saving: \(error)", terminator: "")

    // ***********************************************
    // * Data: iCloud Container Actions
    // ***********************************************

    func deleteiCloudContainer()
        VTLog.debug("Deleting iCloud Container...")

        let currentStore = managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator!.persistentStores.last!

        VTLog.debug("Located data store [\(currentStore)]")

        VTLog.debug("managedObjectContext.reset() - OK")

            try managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator?.removePersistentStore(currentStore)
            VTLog.debug("removePersistentStore() - OK")
        } catch let error as NSError
            VTLog.error("Could not remove persistent store [\(currentStore)]: \(error)")

            try NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.removeUbiquitousContentAndPersistentStoreAtURL(
                currentStore.URL!, options: currentStore.options)
            VTLog.debug("removeUbiquitousContentAndPersistentStoreAtURL() - OK")
        } catch let error as NSError
            VTLog.error("Could not remove Ubiquitous Content and Persistent Store at URL [\(currentStore)]: \(error)")

    // MARK: - Init

    init(inMemory:Bool = false)
        self.inMemory = inMemory

        self.options = [NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: true,
            NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: true,
            NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey: CoreDataStack.storeName]


Additional info that might help:

  1. All this is on Simulator, regardless of version: iOS 9.2, iOS 9.3.
  2. When I have logged into iCloud, then all works fine.
  3. I have noticed that DB.sqlite file actually doesn't exist on path storeURL, it's created on path as seen here below, but it's the same with iCloud login or without, so I don't know if it should be that way.
  4. When I restore app, I see the following sequence of actions:

@ 2016-04-12 11:30:36: AppDelegate: applicationDidEnterBackground:133: (thread): {number = 10, name = main}

@ 2016-04-12 11:30:37: AppDelegate: applicationWillEnterForeground:141: (thread): {number = 11, name = main}

2016-04-12 11:30:37.150 Count Myself[57886:19968276] -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: nobody~sim7CC36E42-82CB-5152-91BE-4DD26FE0A420:DB Using local storage: 1 for new NSFileManager current token (null)

@ 2016-04-12 11:30:37: CoreDataStack: persistentStoreCoordinatorWillChangeStores:203: NSConcreteNotification 0x7fd3e8d8fdc0 {name = NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorStoresWillChangeNotification; object = ; userInfo = { NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousTransitionTypeKey = 2; added = ( " (URL: file:///Users/maris/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F9A852DA-595C-4DE2-ADD7-7DECD7D814AD/data/Containers/Data/Application/107B6DB1-C4DC-4626-8933-DACD0575F184/Library/Application%20Support/" ); removed = ( " (URL: file:///Users/maris/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F9A852DA-595C-4DE2-ADD7-7DECD7D814AD/data/Containers/Data/Application/107B6DB1-C4DC-4626-8933-DACD0575F184/Library/Application%20Support/" ); }} (thread): {number = 12, name = main}

@ 2016-04-12 11:30:37: AppDelegate: applicationDidBecomeActive:152: context: modelName: DBstoreURL: file:///Users/maris/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F9A852DA-595C-4DE2-ADD7-7DECD7D814AD/data/Containers/Data/Application/107B6DB1-C4DC-4626-8933-DACD0575F184/Library/Application%20Support/ Persistent Stores: * file:///Users/maris/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F9A852DA-595C-4DE2-ADD7-7DECD7D814AD/data/Containers/Data/Application/436959B5-7850-4156-AB3D-A11BE72FF1AF/Library/Application%20Support/

  1. The problem appears when I set this: stack.updateContextWithUbiquitousContentUpdates = true But if I don't set this to true, I think I will not get updates from iCloud populated instantly.
  2. See on GitHub the Xcode project that demonstrates the problem: (read AppDelegate.swift file comments on top) That would be fantastic to see the code changes in separate branch the solution not to lose the Context.


  • Ok, I have found the solution - maybe this helps somebody else too.

    Basically, by checking if iCloud is enabled, and then tailoring the CoreDataStack setup.

    Like this:

    init(inMemory:Bool = false)
        self.inMemory = inMemory
        self.options = [NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: true,
                        NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: true]
        if iCloudEnabled
            self.options?[NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey] = CoreDataStack.storeName

    More details can be found in GitHub project sample - diff of the commit which solves me the problem:

    Whole project for download here:

    Whew... that was "fun" for last 3 days of debugging and searching.