I would like to find a simple process for switching the model innards under a mask using the mask parameters.
This question has expanded enough such that it has been reimplemented here.
Variant subsystems are an excellent method and can be controlled via workspace parameters;
however, I have found mask parameters to not interface with the variant subsystem selection.
This link is the first of a series of posts on how to use mask parameters to make changes to blocks inside of the system;
however, the method is not as intuitive as using variant subsystems and a switch.
The link is also from 2008 and I believe that it may have been superceded at some point.
I have made a model containing a system labeled Source
It is connected to a Display
block which displays its output.
is a variant subsystem.
It contains 3 variants:
.Each variant contains one Constant
The value of the Constant
block is eponymous with the block label.
For example, Source\Two
contains a constant block with value 2
is also a masked subsystem.
Its mask contains a Radio Button
parameter with a value labeled variantValue
The Radio Button
options for the variantValue
parameter are:
The mask Initialization
code is as follows:
switch variantValue
case 'Choice 1'
case 'Choice 2'
case 'Choice 3'
I have set the variant to Override. I cannot set the mask to allow library blocks to modify contents, as this is greyed out.
I will drop the variant subsystem deeper into the hierarchy from the masked subsystem when a masked subsystem which is a variant subsystem works.
To do anything which does not go via your base workspace, you first need to set the "Overwrite variant conditions...", now you can choose the active variant with code:
set_param('untitled/Variant Subsystem','OverrideUsingVariant','Variant1')
What remains is creating a mask which, whenever the parameter is changed in your mask, runs the above line. This can be done via the initialisation commands.