I just wanted to go from 2.7 to 3.5+. To do that I did
$ sudo apt-get remove python
Followed by installing python 3.5 packages..
Now I cannot get into my operating system. It shows the screen for UBuntu 13.04 but beyond that it restarts. How do I go about recovering my Linux Mint back?
Do I need to reinstall it fresh or is there way to repair this. Please help me out.
You'll most likely need to reinstall fresh. You can view the Ubuntu wiki on Python here. Essentially, a lot of base packages have dependencies upon Python 2.7. A potentially more thorough response is available over on AskUbuntu at this link.
As also mentioned by other users, the preferred method is to install Python 3 alongside Python 2. It's easy enough to invoke it by using python3
instead of python