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OrientDB: creating edge from parent to child

I am new to a graph database. I am very sure that the answer should be simple as one or two command lines.

I have very simple schema. Person and Email class. There are edges between Person and Email, SendFrom and SendTo. I want to create edges between Person vertices which is joined by the same email.

For instance, if person A sends an email to person B. I want to create an edge between A and B, and increment count property of the edge.

I tried something like, CREATE EDGE FROM (SELECT in() from Email) TO (SELECT out() from Email). Since I am using pyorient, a python driver for OrientDB, this could be done in Python script, or just SQL like language.

I will edit my post, if you need more information. Just let me know.


  • I tried with this structure

    enter image description here

    This is the graph.

    enter image description here

    I used this javascript function.

    var g=orient.getGraph();
    var c=g.command("sql","select in('SendFrom')[0].@rid as SF, out('SendTo')[0].@rid as ST from email");
        var p1=c[i].getProperty("SF");
        var id1=p1.toString();
        var p2=c[i].getProperty("ST");
        var id2=p2.toString();
        g.command("sql","create edge e from " + id1 + " to " + id2 );

    This is the new structure

    enter image description here

    and this is the new graph

    enter image description here

    Hope it helps.