I have POSTed data to a Pedestal endpoint "/my-post. I have routed that end point as such:
[[["/" {:get landing} ^:interceptors [(body-params/body-params) ...]
["/my-post {:post mypost-handler}
So to my mind this means that the body-params interceptor will fire for /my-post too.
In mypost-handler I have:
(defn mypost-handler
How do I now access the form data here? I can see from printing the request that I have a #object[org.eclipse.jetty.sever.HttpInputOverHTTP..] which will clearly need further processing before it is useful to me.
(I must say, the documentation for Pedestal is pretty sketchy at best...)
Something like this should work. Note the body-params interceptor on the mypost-handler route
(defn mypost-handler
[{:keys [headers params json-params path-params] :as request}]
;; json-params is the posted json, so
;; (:name json-params) will be the value (i.e. John) of name property of the posted json {"name": "John"}
;; handle request
{:status 200
:body "ok"})
(defroutes routes
[[["/mypost-handler" {:post mypost-handler}
^:interceptors [(body-params/body-params)]