I need to round some double values to four decimals maximum, and then send them over XML-RPC using this library.
What I've done so far is the following:
First of all I have a round function:
double roundD(double x, unsigned int precision = 4)
return round(x * pow(10.0, double(precision))) / pow(10.0, double(precision));
and it works fine, according to this.
In my application, I've a set method setXValue that takes a double and a toXmlRpc() method to output an XmlRpcValue object:
class Point{
Point(double x, double y) {m_x = x; m_y=y;}
void Point::setXValue(double x)
m_x = roundD(x);
XmlRpcValue Point::toXmlRpc() const
XmlRpcValue xmlrpcvalue;
xmlrpcvalue["x"] = m_x;
return xmlrpcvalue;
double m_x;
double m_y;
What I store in the XML-RPC value is not a rounded double. In fact, when receiving that XML-RPC answer, I see good values like 0.3488, 0.1154 for example, but also values in the form of 9.059900000000001 or 8.990399999999999.
I'm sure my roundD function works fine (I've tested it in the C++ playground) so where the issue is located?
I cannot store the value in the XmlRpcValue object like this:
char str[80];
sprintf(str, "%.4f", m_x);
xmlrpcvalue["x"] = str;
Otherwise I would change the xml-rpc data type, and that is not correct.
Try using this member function of XmlRpcValue:
setDoubleFormat (const char *f)
//Specify the format used to write double values.