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ASP.NET Web API Override authorization filter for a handler

How can I disable an authorization filter for a specific GET handler in Web API?

There's a custom authorization filter on the class level but for one of the methods I need to have no security. I tried applying [AllowAnonymous] attribute but it still runs through the higher-level filter and fails. That custom filter derives from AuthorizationFilterAttribute. The class also have two another attributes: OverrideAuthentication and EnableCors.

I tried AllowAnonymous attribute but it doesn't.

Sample code:

[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public class AccountsController : ApiController

    public HttpResponseMessage GetX(string accountNumber)
        HttpResponseMessage response = null;
        IEnumerable<string> apiKey;
        if (!Request.Headers.TryGetValues("X-ApiKey", out apiKey) || apiKey.Count() != 1 || apiKey.First() != API_KEY)
            throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

        // Process
        // ..
        // ..

        return response;

EDIT: The linked answer doesn't explain what's the solution.


  • Figured it out at last.

    Since there is already an existing custom authorization filter on the class/controller level, therefore, to override a specific action handler (the method) and have it work without any authorization filters, we need to override the filter at the controller/class level. So adding the OverrideAuthorization filter did the trick. Now AllowAnonymous will be to do its magic.

    public HttpResponseMessage GetX(string accountNumber)
        // Process     
        // ..
        // ..