Am using qdap package to determine the sentiment of each review comment of a particular application. I read the review comments from a CSV file and pass it to the polarity function of qdap. Everything works fine and I get the polarity for all the review comments but the problem is that it takes 7-8 seconds to calculate the polarity all the sentences (total number of sentences present in the CSV file is 779). I am pasting my code below.
temp_csv <- filePath()
text_data <- temp_csv[,c('Content')]
polterms <- list(neg=c('wtf'))
POLKEY <- sentiment_frame(positives=c(positive.words),negatives=c(polterms[[1]],negative.words))
polarity <- polarity(sentences, polarity.frame = POLKEY)
Time taken is as follows:
[1] "2016-04-12 16:43:01 IST"
[1] "2016-04-12 16:43:09 IST"
Can somebody let me know if I am doing something wrong? How can I improve the performance?
I am the author of qdap. The polarity
function was designed for much smaller data sets. As my role shifted I began to work with larger data sets. I needed fast and accurate (these two things are in opposition to each other) and have since developed a break away package sentimentr. The algorithm is optimized to be faster and more accurate than qdap's polarity.
As it stands now you have 5 dictionary based (or trained alorithm based) approached to sentiment detection. Each has it's drawbacks (-) and pluses (+) and is useful in certain circumstances.
I show time tests on sample data for the first 4 choices from above in the code below.
I use pacman because it allows the reader to just run the code; though you can replace with install.packages
& library
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(qdap, syuzhet, dplyr)
pacman::p_load_current_gh(c("trinker/stansent", "trinker/sentimentr"))
pres_debates2012 #nrow = 2912
tic <- function (pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos)){
assign(".tic", Sys.time(), pos = pos, envir = envir)
toc <- function (pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos)) {
difftime(Sys.time(), get(".tic", , pos = pos, envir = envir))
id <- 1:2912
## qdap
qdap_sent <- pres_debates2012 %>%
with(qdap::polarity(dialogue, id))
toc() # Time difference of 18.14443 secs
## sentimentr
sentimentr_sent <- pres_debates2012 %>%
with(sentiment(dialogue, id))
toc() # Time difference of 1.705685 secs
## syuzhet
syuzhet_sent <- pres_debates2012 %>%
with(get_sentiment(dialogue, method="bing"))
toc() # Time difference of 1.183647 secs
## stanford
stanford_sent <- pres_debates2012 %>%
toc() # Time difference of 6.724482 mins
For more on timings and accuracy see my sentimentr and please star the repo if it's useful. The viz below captures one of the tests from the README: