In MATLAB, if N = 2
this is the line I need:
M = [V(1)*ones(1,L(1)) V(2)*ones(1,L(2))];
If N = 3
, the line is:
M = [V(1)*ones(1,L(1)) V(2)*ones(1,L(2)) V(3)*ones(1,L(3))];
How could I write a line producing the same results for an arbitrary N
You can use this:
M = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(v,len) v*ones(1,len), V, L, 'uni', 0));
>> V=3:5
V =
3 4 5
>> L=1:3
L =
1 2 3
>> M=cell2mat(arrayfun(@(v,len) v*ones(1,len), V, L, 'uni', 0))
M =
3 4 4 5 5 5