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XPages function in SSJS Library does not return as document

I have created 2 functions. I call "findTitleNew" from "createNewOne". I reach a document in "createNewOne" function but when i return to function "findTitleNew" I lost the document that was found in "findTitleNew" How to continue without losing that document? NOTE: This functions are generic because I use those functions more than once in applications.

<xp:button value="Create" id="btnCreate">
            <xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
                refreshMode="complete" immediate="false" save="true">

function findTitleNew(currDoc:NotesXSPDocument)
        var dbOther1:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(database.getServer(),sessionScope.kontak_db_Path);
        if (currDoc.getItemValueString("UNID")!="")
            var otherDoc:NotesDocument = dbOther1.getDocumentByUNID(currDoc.getItemValueString("UNID"))
    catch (e) 
        requestScope.status = e.toString();

function createNewOne(docThis:NotesXSPDocument)
        //do stafff
        //do stafff

    catch (e) 
        requestScope.status = e.toString();

Any suggestion is appreciated.
Cumhur Ata


  • My SSJS is really rusty and it's a little hard for me to tell exactly what you want BUT you say : "I lost the document that was found in "findTitleNew" How to continue without losing that document? "

    your function "findTitleNew" doesn't return anything. So if you get a document there you can work with it, but if you want to do move in the "createNewOne()" function you need to return the found document

     if (currDoc.getItemValueString("UNID")!="")
                var otherDoc:NotesDocument = dbOther1.getDocumentByUNID(currDoc.getItemValueString("UNID"))
    return otherDoc;

    Then :

    function createNewOne(docThis:NotesXSPDocument)
            //do stafff
            var returnDoc = findTitleNew(docThis);
            if (null != returnDoc) {
                // do stuff with returnDoc here...
            //do stafff
        catch (e) 
            requestScope.status = e.toString();