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Using Servant with Yesod shakespeare (Hamlet, Julius, Lucius)

How i can use shakespeare (from yesod) for servant webservices APIs?

I try:

type TestAPI 
    = "tests" :> Get '[JSON] [Test]
    :<|> "Test.html" :> Get '[HTML] Html

serverTestAPI :: ServerT TestAPI AppM
serverTestAPI = tests 
           :<|> test
           :<|> testHtml

tests :: AppM [Test]
tests = do return [ Test 1 "Test 1"
                  , Test 2 "Test 2"

testHtml = [hamlet|
                $doctype 5

But I get error!


  • As @Carsten points out, in this case what you want is shamlet. The key thing is implementing proper instances of the ToMarkup typeclass. I recommend you to read this excellent introduction on Shakespeare templates. A working example:

    data Person = Person
      { firstName :: String
      , lastName  :: String
      } deriving Generic 
    instance ToJSON Person
    type PersonAPI = "persons" :> Get '[JSON, HTML] [Person]
    people :: [Person]
    people =
      [ Person "Isaac"  "Newton"
      , Person "Albert" "Einstein"
    instance ToMarkup Person where
      toMarkup person = showPerson person
      -- this isn't properly implemented
      preEscapedToMarkup p = showPerson p
    -- HTML serialization of a list of persons
    instance ToMarkup [Person] where
      toMarkup persons = showPersons persons
      preEscapedToMarkup p = showPersons p
    showPerson :: Person -> Html
    showPerson p = [shamlet|
        <p>This is my page.
        <h1>#{firstName p}
    showPersons :: [Person] -> Html
    showPersons p = [shamlet|
        <p>This is my page.
         $forall person <- p
          <h1>#{firstName person}