I'm trying to send a picture to a server. My URL contains some parameters about my phone:
and this is the working variant:
(without irritation %3? code)
Also, I'm trying to pass my picture inside @Body:
Observable<UpdateUserInfoPayload> register(
@Header("x-device-id") String deviceId,
@Body RequestBody requestBody,
@Path(value = "url", encoded = true) String method
Creating it with MultipartBuilder:
protected RequestBody buildAvatar(String avatarPath) {
MultipartBuilder builder = new MultipartBuilder()
.addFormDataPart(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_USER_NAME, name.getText().toString())
.addFormDataPart(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_USER_SECOND_NAME, lastName.getText().toString())
.addFormDataPart(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_EMAIL, email.getText().toString())
male.isChecked() ? EmailProfile.GENDER_MALE : EmailProfile.GENDER_FEMALE)
File file = new File(avatarPath);;
int size = (int) file.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
try {
BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
buf.read(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
builder.addFormDataPart("photo", "image.jpg", RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JPG, bytes));
} catch (IOException e) {
return builder.build();
That is why I'm unable to use for example:
@FieldMap Map<String, String> params
to pass my parameters there, because @FieldMap requires @FormUrlEncoded while I'm unable to make @Body request with @FormUrlEncoded.
1)How to remove %3F from my URL String? (outside retrofit everythin is fine!)
2)Is there any easy way to send a picture?
UPD: <-- 403 Forbidden https://api.example.com/api/v2/user/5984/validate_password when I use @Field annotation:
Observable<BooleanResponse> validatePassword(
@Header("x-device-id") String deviceId,
@Field(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_USER_ENCODED_PASSWORD) String password,
@Field(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_HEIGHT) String height,
@Field(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_WIDTH) String width,
@Field(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_TARGET) String target,
@Path(value = "url", encoded = true) String method
Everything works when I use it like that:
@POST("/api/v2/user/5984/validate_password?_height=1184&_target=android%2F2&_width=768&_user_id=5984") //full url
Observable<BooleanResponse> validatePassword(
@Header("x-device-id") String deviceId,
@Field(ParkApiUrl.PARAM_USER_ENCODED_PASSWORD) String password
I want either to remove %3F or learn how to use Field in POST request without getting FORBIDDEN
Retrofit won't let you put the query string in the path. Take a look at @QueryMap instead, which is designed for this.