In my code, I'm trying to connect to a relay board using a timer which invokes a method with every tick. The problem is that when I run my application, I get a connection successfully for the first 3-4 ticks. But, after that it fails to connect. I'm unable to figure out what is wrong in my code. Any help would be appreciated. I'm working with
The method invoked:
private void open_ethernet_connection()
byte connected = 0;
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
IAsyncResult result = client.BeginConnect(textBox_IP.Text.Substring(0, textBox_IP.Text.IndexOf(",")), GlobalClass.port, null, null);
bool success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000, true);
if (!success)
connected = 0;
Response.Write("Failed to connect");
else connected = 1;
if (connected == 1)
ns = client.GetStream();
ns.ReadTimeout = 1000;
SerBuf[0] = (byte)commands.GET_VER; // get version command for ETH RLY16/02, returns software version
module_version = SerBuf[2]; //print the software version on screen
device_found = true;
catch (SocketException)
if (selected_port == "Custom IP")
Response.Write("Unable to connect to module at " + GlobalClass.ipaddress);
else Response.Write("Unable to connect to module at " + selected_port);
you never close your connection if its successful.
consider using using
using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient())
Other code here...
This way your TcpClient is always disposed and you don't have to call .Close()