I have Recycler view which lays inside of SwipeRefreshLayout. Also, have ability to open each item in another activity. After returning back to Recycler I need scroll to chosen item, or to previous Y. How to do that?
Yes, I googled, found articles in StackOverFlow about saving instance of layout manager, like this one: RecyclerView store / restore state between activities. But, it doesn't help me.
Right now I have this kind of resolving problem, but, of course, it also doesn't work.
private int scrollPosition;
...//onViewCreated - it is fragment
LinearLayoutManager llm = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity());
data = new ArrayList<>();
adapter.setData(getActivity(), data);
public void onResume() {
public void onPause() {
scrollPosition = recyclerView.getScrollY();
Yes, I have tried scrollTo(int, int) - doen't work.
Now I tried just scroll, for example, to Y = 100, but it doesn't scrolling at all.
Save the current state of recycle view position @onPause:
positionIndex= llManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
View startView = rv.getChildAt(0);
topView = (startView == null) ? 0 : (startView.getTop() - rv.getPaddingTop());
Restore the scroll position @onResume:
if (positionIndex!= -1) {
llManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(positionIndex, topView);
or another way can be @onPause:
long currentVisiblePosition = 0;
currentVisiblePosition = ((LinearLayoutManager)rv.getLayoutManager()).findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
restore @onResume:
((LinearLayoutManager) rv.getLayoutManager()).scrollToPosition(currentVisiblePosition);
currentVisiblePosition = 0;