I have several simple .scss
(SAAS) files and for each one I get a sass-lint
Unexpected Parse Error
To the best of my knowledge, I have the most current sass-lint plugin for Atom. It doesn't seem to affect anything and is more of a annoyance, however I would also love to know if I am doing something incorrectly.
Example code that generates the error:
$primaryFont: 'Lora';
$secondaryFont: 'Roboto';
$primaryHeader: 'Montserrat';
Don't worry it's not you it's sass-lint!
It is because you are indenting with spaces, there is a bug in one of sass-lint's dependencies that causes Unexpected parse error in file
to be logged when you indent with tabs rather than spaces. It looks like they are planning to have it resolved in the next release, at which point the maintainer of the Atom plugin will need to update the dependencies of the Atom Package and publish a new version.
I figured this out by taking a look at the package.json
for sass-lint and specifically at the dependencies on line 21
, there is a direct dependency upon the sass-lint
NPM package. From there you can go back to the GitHub Repository which has all of the issues including #560 which describes the exact issue you are experiencing.
I have created GitHub Issue on the sass-lint Atom Package for this, it is externally blocked by Issue #62 on sasstools/sass-lint, i.e. the NPM package, which was updated a couple of days ago by Dan Purdy who stated:
We're at a bit of a crossroads at the moment, while running through our tests on all platforms we've found the latest version of the AST fixes a lot of our issues but also breaks a few things. Specifically Sass format on windows mainly. There's also some pretty annoying windows bugs left over so we're currently debating and looking into what our best course of action is. I hope to have 1.6 out soon though... I just can't say when.