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Determine if Sum of Vect n Nat's Evenly Divides 5?

Cactus demonstrated how to address my question: Helper Function to Determine if Nat `mod` 5 == 0.

He wrote:

onlyModBy5 : (n : Nat) -> {auto prf : n `modNat` 5 = 0} -> Nat
onlyModBy5 n = n

Then, I attempted to use that function to apply onlyModBy5 to the sum of a Vect n Nat's.

foo : (n : Nat) -> Vect n Nat -> Nat
foo n xs = onlyModBy5 $ sum xs

But I got this compile-time error:

When checking right hand side of foo with expected type

When checking argument prf to function Main.onlyModBy5:
        Can't find a value of type 
                Prelude.Nat.modNatNZ, mod' (foldrImpl (\meth =>
                                                         \meth =>
                                                           plus meth meth)
                                           (foldrImpl (\meth =>
                                                         \meth =>
                                                           plus meth meth)
                                           (foldrImpl (\meth =>
                                                         \meth =>
                                                           plus meth meth)
                                           4 =

How can I use the above onlyModBy5 function with foo?


  • It depends on what you want to achieve. foo : (n : Nat) -> Vect n Nat -> Nat says that you can apply any Nat to foo, and any Vect of Nat (if the Vect is of size n) and foo will return a Nat.

    First off, you don't need the explicit (n : Nat) argument. If you write just foo : Vect n Nat -> Nat, Idris would turn n internally into an implicit argument: foo : {n : Nat} -> Vect n Nat -> Nat.

    In the arguments is nothing about the elements of the Vect, and therefor nothing about the sum of it. You could apply [1,2,2] as well [1,1], whereas the latter doesn't have a proof of prf : (sum [1,1]) `modNat` 5 == 0), so obviously you can't apply the sum to onlyModBy5.

    You could either demand a proof of this as an argument as before:

    bar : (xs : Vect n Nat) -> {auto prf : (sum xs) `modNat` 5 = 0} -> Nat
    bar xs = onlyModBy5 (sum xs)

    Or let it decide based on the sum:

    foo : Vect n Nat -> Maybe Nat
    foo xs = foo' (sum xs)
        foo' : Nat -> Maybe Nat
        foo' k with (decEq (k `modNat` 5) 0)
          | Yes prf = Just (onlyModBy5 k {prf})
          | No _ = Nothing

    decEq decides whether two values are propositionally equal (in this case, if they are the same Nat), and either returns Yes with a (prf : n `modNat` 5 = 0) that they are equal, or No with a proof that they aren't equal. This proof can be then given to onlyModBy5 with {prf}. This extends to {prf=prf}, which gives the implicit argument the proof of Yes, as both are named prf.