I cant understand why Python is not printing out how many heads and tails there have been in my coin toss game? and is consistently printing out 0
, 100
# part 2
import random
heads = 0
tails = 0
flip_coin = ['heads', 'tails']
while (heads + tails) < 100:
flip = random.choice(flip_coin)
if flip == heads:
heads += 1
tails += 1
any ideas?
You did a mistake here
if flip == heads: # You are comparing with the heads count integer variable
What you want is
if flip == 'heads': # You want to know if it's the string 'heads'
and is consistently printing out 0, 100
Because of that mistake above, if you analyze that if else, because flip == heads
was always false, you always get have the else: tails += 1
executed, hence tails = 100
and heads = 0