i'm working with applozic api, and i can't find in the documentation how to send a voice message as attachment.
import com.applozic.mobicomkit.api.conversation.MobiComConversationService;
public void sendMessage(Message message)
new MobiComConversationService(activity).sendMessage(new
Message("contact@applozic.com", "hello test"));
public synchronized List<Message> getLatestMessagesGroupByPeople()
public List<Message> getMessages(String userId, Long startTime, Long endTime)
There are two ways to send a voice message:
Direct way: Create message object and set the userId whom you want to send message and set the file path of voice message file, user content Type Message.ContentType.AUDIO_MSG.getValue().
Message message = new Message();
message.setTo("userId");//Replace userId with user whom u want send a audio message
List<String> filePathsList = new ArrayList<String>();
filePathsList.add(filePath);//set the file path where the audio file is stored
new MobiComConversationService(context).sendMessage(message);
UI toolkit: Click attachment option icon --> select Audio --> record the voice and send voice message.