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Call celery task from signal

I need to import data from several public APIs for a user after he signed up. django-allauth is included and I have registered a signal handler to call the right methods after allaut emits user_signed_up. Because the data import needs to much time and the request is blocked by the signal, I want to use celery to do the work.

My test task:

def test_task(username):
    print('##########################' + username + '#################')
    return 3

I'm calling the task like this:

from game_studies_platform.taskapp.celery import test_task

def on_user_signed_in(sender, request, *args, **kwargs):
    test_task.apply_async('John Doe')

The task should be put into the queue and the request should be followed immediately. But it is blocked and I have to wait a minute.

The project is setup with and I'm running it in a docker container. Celery is configured to use the django database in development but will be redis in production


  • The solution was to switch CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True to False in the I was pointed to that solution in the Gitter channel of cookiecutter-django.

    The calls mention above where already correct.