How can I copy Response.Outputstream
to MemoryStream
? The error is:
Stream does not support reading.
And here is the code:
string pdfTemplate = Server.MapPath(@"~\Pdf\132331.pdf");
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName + ".pdf");
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplate);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, Response.OutputStream);
pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true;
iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte pdfPage = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1);
AcroFields pdfFormFields = pdfStamper.AcroFields;
string myString = Sessions.AccountCode.Trim() + "-" + Sessions.MemberID.Trim() + "-" + Sessions.CardNo + "-" + txtBDateModal.Text; // Joseph new 20151228 Sessions
BarcodeQRCode qrcode = new BarcodeQRCode(myString.Trim(), 1, 1, null);
iTextSharp.text.Image qrcodeImage = qrcode.GetImage();
qrcodeImage.SetAbsolutePosition(480, 640);
iTextSharp.text.Image qrcodeImage2 = qrcode.GetImage();
qrcodeImage2.SetAbsolutePosition(485, 38);
var pdfContentByte = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1);
var pdfContentByte2 = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(2);
pdfFormFields.SetField("lastname", txtLastNameModal.Text.Trim());
pdfFormFields.SetField("firstname", txtFirstNameModal.Text.Trim());
pdfFormFields.SetField("middlename", txtMiddleNameModal.Text.Trim());
string cardno = Sessions.CardNo.Trim(); // Joseph new 20151228 Sessions
//string cardno0 = cardno.Substring(0, 4);
//string cardno1 = cardno.Substring(4, 4);
//string cardno2 = cardno.Substring(8, 4);
//string cardno3 = cardno.Substring(12, 4);
string cardno0 = CutString(cardno, 0, 4, "CARDNO");
string cardno1 = CutString(cardno, 4, 4, "CARDNO");
string cardno2 = CutString(cardno, 8, 4, "CARDNO");
string cardno3 = CutString(cardno, 12, 4, "CARDNO");
pdfFormFields.SetField("cardno0", cardno0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("cardno1", cardno1);
pdfFormFields.SetField("cardno2", cardno2);
pdfFormFields.SetField("cardno3", cardno3);
string tin = txtTINModal.Text.Trim();
//string tin0 = tin.Substring(0, 3);
//string tin1 = tin.Substring(3, 3);
//string tin2 = tin.Substring(6, 3);
string tin0 = CutString(tin, 0, 3, "TIN");
string tin1 = CutString(tin, 3, 3, "TIN");
string tin2 = CutString(tin, 6, 3, "TIN");
string tin3 = "000";
pdfFormFields.SetField("tin0", tin0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("tin1", tin1);
pdfFormFields.SetField("tin2", tin2);
pdfFormFields.SetField("tin3", tin3);
if (txtSSSModal.Text != "")
string sss = txtSSSModal.Text.Trim();
//string sss0 = sss.Substring(0, 3);
//string sss1 = sss.Substring(3, 3);
//string sss2 = sss.Substring(6, 3);
//string sss3 = sss.Substring(9);
string sss0 = CutString(sss, 0, 3, "SSS");
string sss1 = CutString(sss, 3, 3, "SSS");
string sss2 = CutString(sss, 6, 3, "SSS");
string sss3 = CutString(sss, 9, 1, "SSS");
pdfFormFields.SetField("sss0", sss0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("sss1", sss1);
pdfFormFields.SetField("sss2", sss2);
pdfFormFields.SetField("sss3", sss3);
if (txtUnifiedID.Text != "")
string unified = txtUnifiedID.Text.Trim();
//string unified0 = unified.Substring(0, 4);
//string unified1 = unified.Substring(4, 7);
//string unified2 = unified.Substring(11, 1);
string unified0 = CutString(unified, 0, 4, "UNIFIEDID");
string unified1 = CutString(unified, 4, 7, "UNIFIEDID");
string unified2 = CutString(unified, 11, 1, "UNIFIEDID");
pdfFormFields.SetField("uni0", unified0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("uni1", unified1);
pdfFormFields.SetField("uni2", unified2);
if (txtPassportNoForeigner.Text != "")
string passport = txtPassportNoForeigner.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
pdfFormFields.SetField("passportno", passport);
pdfFormFields.SetField("position", txtPositionModal.Text.Trim());
string[] date = txtBDateModal.Text.Trim().Split('/');
string mdate = date[0].ToString();
string ddate = date[1].ToString();
string ydate = date[2].ToString();
pdfFormFields.SetField("mdate", mdate);
pdfFormFields.SetField("ddate", ddate);
pdfFormFields.SetField("ydate", ydate);
//string pobcity = txtPoBCityModal.Text.Trim();
////string pobprovince = "";
//string pobzipcode = txtPoBZipModal.Text.Trim();
//pdfFormFields.SetField("birthplace", pobcity + ", " + pobzipcode);
string pobcity = string.Empty;
if (ddlCityPOBModal.SelectedValue == "Others")
if (ddlCountryPOBModal.SelectedValue != "Philippines")
pobcity = txtCityOthersPOB.Text.Trim() + ", " + ddlCountryPOBModal.SelectedValue.ToString() + ", " + txtPoBZipModalOther.Text;
pobcity = txtCityOthersPOB.Text.Trim();
if (ddlCountryPOBModal.SelectedValue != "Philippines")
pobcity = txtCityOthersPOB.Text.Trim() + ", " + ddlCountryPOBModal.SelectedValue.ToString() + ", " + txtPoBZipModalOther.Text;
pobcity = ddlCityPOBModal.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim();
string pobzipcode = txtPoBZipModal.Text.Trim();
if (pobzipcode == "" || pobzipcode == null)
pdfFormFields.SetField("birthplace", pobcity);
pdfFormFields.SetField("birthplace", pobcity + ", " + pobzipcode);
string maiden1 = txtMaidenNameLNModal.Text.Trim();
string maiden2 = txtMaidenNameFNModal.Text.Trim();
string maiden3 = txtMaidenNameMNModal.Text.Trim();
pdfFormFields.SetField("maidenname", maiden1 + ", " + maiden2 + ", " + maiden3);
pdfFormFields.SetField("email", txtEmailModal.Text.Trim());
string street = txtStreetModal.Text.Trim();
string town = txtTownModal.Text.Trim();
string city1 = string.Empty;
if (ddlCountry.SelectedValue == "Philippines")
city1 = ddlCity.SelectedValue.ToString();
if (city1 == "Others")
city1 = txtCityModal.Text.ToString();
else if (ddlCountry.SelectedValue != "Philippines")
city1 = txtCityModal.Text.ToString();
string city = city1.Trim();
string province = txtProvinceModal.Text.Trim();
string zipcode = txtZipCodeModal.Text.Trim();
pdfFormFields.SetField("presentaddr", street + ", " + town + ", " + city + ", " + ddlCountry.SelectedValue + " " + zipcode);
pdfFormFields.SetField("permanentaddr", city + ", " + ddlCountry.SelectedValue + " " + zipcode);
string mobile = ddlMobilePrefix.SelectedValue.ToString() + txtMobileNumberModal.Text.Trim();
//string mobile0 = mobile.Substring(0, 4);
//string mobile1 = mobile.Substring(4, 3);
//string mobile2 = mobile.Substring(7, 4);
string mobile0 = CutString(mobile, 0, 4, "MOBILE");
string mobile1 = CutString(mobile, 4, 3, "MOBILE");
string mobile2 = CutString(mobile, 7, 4, "MOBILE");
pdfFormFields.SetField("mobile0", mobile0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("mobile1", mobile1);
pdfFormFields.SetField("mobile2", mobile2);
string homephone = Sessions.PrincipalTelNo.Trim(); // Joseph new 20151228 Sessions
if (homephone.Length == 9)
//string homephone0 = homephone.Substring(2, 3);
//string homephone1 = homephone.Substring(5, 4);
string homephone0 = CutString(homephone, 2, 3, "TELNO");
string homephone1 = CutString(homephone, 5, 4, "TELNO");
pdfFormFields.SetField("homephone0", homephone0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("homephone1", homephone1);
else if (homephone.Length == 7)
//string homephone0 = homephone.Substring(0, 3);
//string homephone1 = homephone.Substring(3, 4);
string homephone0 = CutString(homephone, 0, 3, "TELNO");
string homephone1 = CutString(homephone, 3, 4, "TELNO");
pdfFormFields.SetField("homephone0", homephone0);
pdfFormFields.SetField("homephone1", homephone1);
string civil = txtCivilStatusModal.Text;
if (civil == "Single")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbcivil", "1");
else if (civil == "Married")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbcivil", "2");
else if (civil == "Widowed")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbcivil", "2");
else if (civil == "Separated")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbcivil", "2");
string gender = rdbSexModal.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim();
if (gender == "Male")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbgender", "2");
else if (gender == "Female")
pdfFormFields.SetField("rdbgender", "1");
pdfFormFields.SetField("citizenship", ddlCitizenship.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim());
pdfFormFields.SetField("educational", ddlEducationalAttainment.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim());
pdfFormFields.SetField("occupation", ddlOccupation.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim());
pdfFormFields.SetField("employer", Sessions.AccountCode + " - " + txtCompanyModal.Text.Trim()); // Joseph new 20151228 Sessions
pdfFormFields.SetField("nature", txtNatureofWorkModal.Text.ToString());
string source = ddlSourceofFund.SelectedValue;
if (source == "Others")
pdfFormFields.SetField("source", txtOtherSourceFund.Text);
pdfFormFields.SetField("source", "Income");
string id = ddlId.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim();
if (id == "Drivers_License")
pdfFormFields.SetField("driver", "1");
else if (id == "PRC_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("prc", "1");
else if (id == "NBI_Clearance")
pdfFormFields.SetField("nbi", "1");
else if (id == "Police_Clearance")
pdfFormFields.SetField("police", "1");
else if (id == "Postal_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("postal", "1");
else if (id == "Voters_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("voter", "1");
else if (id == "GSIS_ecard")
pdfFormFields.SetField("gsis", "1");
else if (id == "Drivers_License")
pdfFormFields.SetField("driver", "1");
else if (id == "SSS_card")
pdfFormFields.SetField("sss", "1");
else if (id == "Senior_Citizen_Card")
pdfFormFields.SetField("senior", "1");
else if (id == "OWWA_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("owwa", "1");
else if (id == "OFW_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("ofw", "1");
else if (id == "Seamans_Book")
pdfFormFields.SetField("seaman", "1");
else if (id == "Passport")
pdfFormFields.SetField("passport", "1");
else if (id == "Company_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("company", "1");
else if (id == "GOCC_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("gocc", "1");
else if (id == "Alien_Certificate")
pdfFormFields.SetField("alien", "1");
else if (id == "Student_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("student", "1");
else if (id == "IBP_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("integrated", "1");
else if (id == "Mariage_Certificate")
pdfFormFields.SetField("Marriage", "1");
else if (id == "Birth_Certificate")
pdfFormFields.SetField("Birth", "1");
else if (id == "Barangay_Clearance")
pdfFormFields.SetField("Barangay", "1");
else if (id == "NCWDP_Certification")
pdfFormFields.SetField("NCWDP", "1");
else if (id == "Philhealth_Card")
pdfFormFields.SetField("Philhealth", "1");
else if (id == "DSWD_Certification")
pdfFormFields.SetField("DSWD", "1");
else if (id == "NBI_Signature")
pdfFormFields.SetField("NBIS", "1");
else if (id == "TIN_ID")
pdfFormFields.SetField("TIN", "1");
Stream s = Response.OutputStream;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
byte[] test = memoryStream.ToArray();
Thank you in advance
Why not writing to your memory stream then copy it to the response output stream ?
string pdfTemplate = Server.MapPath(@"~\Pdf\132331.pdf");
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName + ".pdf");
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(new PdfReader(pdfTemplate), memoryStream))
pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true;
PdfContentByte pdfPage = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1);
AcroFields pdfFormFields = pdfStamper.AcroFields;
// pdf stuff here
// Memory stream is closed by PdfStamper, so we should read the inner buffer with ToArray()
byte[] buffer = memoryStream.ToArray();
Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
PdfStamper need to be closed before to get the content in the memory stream. Dispose implicitly call the Close method, so when you get out of the using statement of the PdfStamper, it will be closed automatically.
PdfStamper also close the memory stream when disposed, so you should read the buffer on the memory stream with ToArray.