I have a very large data set of local field potentials (raw voltages) that I have pre-processed to remove noise and outliers. I arranged the data so that each row represents 30 seconds of samples. I have generated power-spectrums as follows:
Fs = 1024
LFP = 1075x30720 double
pxx = 1075x4097 double
for k = 1:1075;
pxx(kk,:) = pwelch(LFP(k,:));
Goal: generate heatmap so that each row of the pxx is a column on generated heatmap, so I should have 1075 bins on the x axis and I'd like to have the Y axis limited to frequencies from 0 - 120 Hz. I've tried using imagesc but am having difficulty, thank you.
To plot the result you would need to do a few things:
to get the rows of pxx
to appear as columns of the generated image;flipud
if you want the highest frequency to appear at the top with imagesc
or pcolor
so you get a decent spread of the value in the colormap;colormap(hot)
for a heatmap style.This can be done with:
% 1) Compute maximum frequency index
Fmax = 120; % Hz
M = 1 + round(Fmax/(0.5*Fs/(size(pxx,2)-1)));
% select displayed section
pxx_select = pxx(:,1:M);
% 2) transpose matrix
pxx_reshape = transpose(pxx_select);
% 3) flip data upside down for imagesc
pxx_reshape = flipud(pxx_reshape);
% 4) convert to decibel scale
pxx_dB = 10*log10(pxx_reshape);
% 5) generate plot
% 6) choose dynamic range
% assign e.g. 80dB below peak power to the first value in the colormap
% and the peak power to the last value in the colormap
caxis([max(max(pxx_dB))-80 max(max(pxx_dB))]);
% 7) select colormap
Or, if you want to have control over the displayed axis:
% 1) Compute maximum frequency index
Fmax = 120; % Hz
M = 1 + round(Fmax/(0.5*Fs/(size(pxx,2)-1)));
% select displayed section
pxx_select = pxx(:,1:M);
% 2) transpose matrix
pxx_reshape = transpose(pxx_select);
% 3) flipud not needed with pcolor, instead set t & f axis:
t = (size(LPF,2)/Fs)*[0:size(LPF,1)];
f = [0:M]*Fmax/(M-1);
% 4) convert to decibel scale
pxx_dB = 10*log10(pxx_reshape);
% 5) generate plot
% Note: extend by one row & column since pcolor does not show the last row/col
P2 = [pxx_dB pxx_dB(:,end); pxx_dB(end,:) pxx_dB(end,end)];
pcolor(t,f,P2); shading flat;
% 6) choose dynamic range
% assign e.g. 80dB below peak power to the first value in the colormap
% and the peak power to the last value in the colormap
caxis([max(max(pxx_dB))-80 max(max(pxx_dB))]);
% 7) select colormap
xlabel("time (s)");
ylabel("frequency (Hz)");
As an illustration, you would get a graph similar to
for a simple slowly frequency varying tone generated with:
T = size(LPF,1)-1;
phi = 0;
n = [0:size(LPF,2)-1];
for k=1:size(LPF,1)
f = 0.5*(fmin+fmax) + 0.5*(fmax-fmin)*sin(2*pi*k/T);
LPF(k,:) = sin(2*pi*f*n/Fs + phi);
phi = mod(phi + 2*pi*f*size(LPF,2)/Fs, 2*pi);