So I wrote a massive plugin for Rhino5. I now need it to somehow talk to sigmanest. The best way I can do that is string tags.
Meaning, I DXF a part with the correct part information in text boxes next to the part. But my job does not want that (I have no idea why)
The next thing I can do is embed attributes into the DXF. My plan is to export the part, then write to the DXF file new attributes.
Has anyone done such a thing? I've done some pretty heavy googling, but couldn't find any topics on just writing new attributes to a DXF.
A quick and dirty sample code would be great if you have done this, or link to the information.
Thanks for reading!
I am only answering for googles sake...
netDXF is a C# library that reads and writes dxf files and is freely available.
To insert a custom attribute, do the following
Dim aTT= New AttributeDefinition(AttributeNameString)
aTT.Flags = AttributeFlags.Hidden
block.AttributeDefinitions(AttributeNameString).Value = VaribleorString