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How to add Jenkins bot and other checker bots in github?

Recently, I've met several bots in Google TensorFlow git repos.

When I submit a PR, one TF bot finds some related groups for the PR and says, "Can one of admins verify this patch?"

Then, one of a verifier bot says, I need to signup something, and I left a comment, Done. Then, the bot checked and marked it was done.

Then, later one admin commented, "jenkins, test please." I guess this triggers Jenkins and reports the test and other checker results.

How could I setup the (bot)environment and github workflow like this?

enter image description here


  • You have to learn a continuous integration tool like jenkins. Jenkins has triggers to find such events. After events like below triggered. You can use variety of plugins to accomplish very different tasks.

    • Source Code commit
    • Source Code push
    • Poll bug tracker periodically.

    For example

    There are a lot of different plugins for jenkins. See them here.