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How to suppress INotifyDataErrorInfo validation for a Property

I have a class implements INotifyDataErrorInfo I have some properties with Error Notification. for example,

public class Request : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyDataErrorInfo
    public string LineOfBusinessIdentifier
        get { return  lineOfBusinessIdentifier; }
            lineOfBusinessIdentifier = value;
      // ValidateLineOfBusiness() Implementation for validation.

This class is inherited by plenty of other classes. All works fine. Now i have one place i dont want to show the notification in the UI for a particular operation, and need the notification after the operation. Is there anyway i can suppress the notification.


  • if ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors (introduced since .Net 4.5) is set to false, the binding doesn't check and reports errors. Default value is true

    "{Binding Path=LineOfBusinessIdentifier, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=False}"

    also possible to erase Validation.ErrorTemplate (to hide error notification in view) and reset it in trigger setter

    <Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{x:Null}"/>
    <!--need custom error template-->
    <Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{StaticResource ErrorTemplate}""/>

    this doesn't disable validation, only hides visual indicator of error

    viewModel derived from Request can override GetErrors method (if it virtual) and disable LineOfBusinessIdentifier property notification under some conditions:


    override GetErrors(string propertyName) 
        if (someCondition)
           return base.GetErrors().Where(prop != LineOfBusinessIdentifier)
           return base.GetErrors()