I am unfamiliar with what causes the following warning:
warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
#include "rtt_alloc_rad.interface"
I've looked at the obvious problems such as the #include
is flushed left. I would love to get some tips for where to look for possible causes.
I'm using an Intel compiler: ifort version 15.0.1
The code is with a large climate model linked to an external library. It is difficult to know what to post, but the warning comes from the following snippet:
MODULE rtt_interface
use rtt_types, only : rtt_options, rtt_coefs, profile_Type, &
transmission_Type, radiance_Type,rtt_coef_scatt_ir,rtt_optpar_ir, &
rtt_chanprof, rtt_emissivity, rtt_reflectance
use rtt_const, only : errorstatus_success, errorstatus_fatal, &
use rtt_unix_env, only : rtt_exit
use cosp_kinds, only : wp,wi,wl
real(wp), parameter :: tmin_baran = 193.1571_wp
#include "rtt_alloc_rad.interface"
#include "rtt_alloc_transmission.interface"
#include "rtt_alloc_prof.interface"
#include "rtt_dealloc_coefs.interface"
#include "rtt_direct.interface"
#include "rtt_print_opts.interface"
! snip...
END MODULE rtt_interface
I compile with the flags: f90flags=-g -fp-model precise -traceback -r8 -O0
The message
warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
is potentially a little misleading. It suggests that the code has been passed through the preprocessor and it's the preprocessor that's unhappy. That isn't always the case: ifort also produces this warning message when preprocessor directives occur in the source file but the preprocessor isn't invoked.
To ensure that the preprocessor is run you have a couple of options:
(or -cpp
) to the compilation command;.F90
(note the capital).