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Fast Fourier Transform Using Excel's VBA

I'm trying to implement a Fast Fourier Transform (Radix-2) in MS's Excel VBA. The code I'm using pulls data from a range in the worksheet, does the calculations, then dumps the results in the adjacent columns. What I'm having trouble with is 1) know what to do with the resulting X[k] arrays, and 2) matching these results with the results from Excel's built in FFT (they do not currently match). The code is shown below. Thanks in advance for your help.

Sub Enforce_DecimationInTime()

Dim SubName As String
SubName = "Enforce_DecimationInTime()"

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim n As Long, v As Long, LR As Long, x As Long

Set WS = Worksheets("FFT")
LR = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
n = LR - 1
Do Until 2 ^ x <= n And 2 ^ (x + 1) > n     'locates largest power of 2 from size of input array
    x = x + 1
n = n - (n - 2 ^ x) 'calculates n using the largest power of 2
If n + 1 <> WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Then
    WS.Range("A" & 2 ^ x + 2 & ":A" & LR).Delete xlUp   'deletes extra input data
End If
v = WorksheetFunction.Log(n, 2)     'calculates number of decimations necessary

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For x = 1 To v
    Call Called_Core.DecimationInTime(WS, n, 2 ^ x, x)  'calls decimation in time subroutine
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error encountered in " & SubName & ": exiting subroutine." _
    & vbNewLine _
    & vbNewLine & "Error description: " & Err.Description _
    & vbNewLine & "Error number: " & Err.Number, vbCritical, Title:="Error!"

End Sub

The above subroutine calls the below subroutine through a For/Next loop to the count of "v".

Sub DecimationInTime(WS As Worksheet, n As Long, Factor As Integer, x As Long)

Dim SubName As String
SubName = "DecimationInTime()"

Dim f_1() As Single, f_2() As Single
Dim i As Long, m As Long, k As Long
Dim TFactor_N1 As String, TFactor_N2 As String, X_k() As String
Dim G_1() As Variant, G_2() As Variant

ReDim f_1(0 To n / Factor - 1) As Single
ReDim f_2(0 To n / Factor - 1) As Single
ReDim G_1(0 To n / 1 - 1) As Variant
ReDim G_2(0 To n / 1 - 1) As Variant
ReDim X_k(0 To n - 1) As String

TFactor_N1 = WorksheetFunction.Complex(0, -2 * WorksheetFunction.Pi / (n / 1))  'twiddle factor for N
TFactor_N2 = WorksheetFunction.Complex(0, -2 * WorksheetFunction.Pi / (n / 2))  'twiddle factor for N/2

For i = 0 To n / Factor - 1
    f_1(i) = WS.Range("A" & 2 * i + 2).Value    'assign input data
    f_2(i) = WS.Range("A" & 2 * i + 3).Value    'assign input data
Next i

WS.Cells(1, 1 + x).Value = "X[" & x & "]"   'labels X[k] column with k number
For k = 0 To n / 2 - 1
    For m = 0 To n / Factor - 1
        G_1(m) = WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N2, k * m), WorksheetFunction.Complex(f_1(m), 0))    'defines G_1[m]
        G_2(m) = WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N2, k * m), WorksheetFunction.Complex(f_2(m), 0))    'defines G_2[m]
    Next m
    X_k(k) = WorksheetFunction.ImSum(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_1), WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_2), WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N1, k)))  'defines X[k] for k
    If k <= n / 2 Then X_k(k + n / 2) = WorksheetFunction.ImSum(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_1), WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_2), WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N1, k), WorksheetFunction.Complex(-1, 0)))  'defines X[k] for k + n/2
    WS.Cells(k + 2, 1 + x).Value = X_k(k)
    WS.Cells(k + 2 + n / 2, 1 + x).Value = X_k(k + n / 2)
Next k

Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error encountered in " & SubName & ": exiting subroutine." _
    & vbNewLine _
    & vbNewLine & "Error description: " & Err.Description _
    & vbNewLine & "Error number: " & Err.Number, vbCritical, Title:="Error!"

End Sub


  • I went back through the process and determined my problem was that I had assigned the wrong values to the twiddle factors, TFactor_N1 and TFactor_N2. After fixing this problem and adjusting which values are displayed, I was able to get the same results as Excel's built in FFT. The fixed code is show below.

    Sub Enforce_DecimationInTime()
    Dim SubName As String
    SubName = "Enforce_DecimationInTime()"
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim n As Long, v As Long, LR As Long, x As Long
    Dim TFactor_N1 As String, TFactor_N2 As String
    Set WS = Worksheets("FFT")
    LR = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    n = LR - 1
    Do Until 2 ^ x <= n And 2 ^ (x + 1) > n                                                                     'locates largest power of 2 from size of input array
        x = x + 1
    n = n - (n - 2 ^ x)                                                                                         'calculates n using the largest power of 2
    If n + 1 <> WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Then
        WS.Range("A" & 2 ^ x + 2 & ":A" & LR).Delete xlUp                                                       'deletes extra input data
    End If
    v = WorksheetFunction.Log(n, 2)                                                                             'calculates number of decimations necessary
    TFactor_N1 = WorksheetFunction.ImExp(WorksheetFunction.Complex(0, -2 * WorksheetFunction.Pi / (n / 1)))     'twiddle factor for N
    TFactor_N2 = WorksheetFunction.ImExp(WorksheetFunction.Complex(0, -2 * WorksheetFunction.Pi / (n / 2)))     'twiddle factor for N/2
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For x = 1 To v
        Call Called_Core.DecimationInTime(WS, n, 2 ^ x, x, TFactor_N1, TFactor_N2)                              'calls decimation in time subroutine
    Next x
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error encountered in " & SubName & ": exiting subroutine." _
        & vbNewLine _
        & vbNewLine & "Error description: " & Err.Description _
        & vbNewLine & "Error number: " & Err.Number, vbCritical, Title:="Error!"
    End Sub
    Sub DecimationInTime(WS As Worksheet, n As Long, Factor As Integer, x As Long, TFactor_N1 As String, TFactor_N2 As String)
    Dim SubName As String
    SubName = "DecimationInTime()"
    Dim f_1() As String, f_2() As String
    Dim i As Long, m As Long, k As Long
    Dim X_k() As String
    Dim G_1() As Variant, G_2() As Variant
    ReDim f_1(0 To n / Factor - 1) As String
    ReDim f_2(0 To n / Factor - 1) As String
    ReDim G_1(0 To n / 1 - 1) As Variant
    ReDim G_2(0 To n / 1 - 1) As Variant
    ReDim X_k(0 To n - 1) As String
    For i = 0 To n / Factor - 1
        f_1(i) = WS.Cells(2 * i + 2, 1).Value                                                                   'assign input data
        f_2(i) = WS.Cells(2 * i + 3, 1).Value                                                                   'assign input data
    Next i
    For k = 0 To n / 2 - 1
        For m = 0 To n / Factor - 1                                                                             'defines G_1[m] and G_2[m]
            G_1(m) = WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N2, k * m), f_1(m))
            G_2(m) = WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N2, k * m), f_2(m))
        Next m                                                                                                  'defines X[k] for k and k + n/2
        X_k(k) = WorksheetFunction.ImSum(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_1), WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_2), WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N1, k)))
        If k <= n / 2 Then X_k(k + n / 2) = WorksheetFunction.ImSub(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_1), WorksheetFunction.ImProduct(WorksheetFunction.ImSum(G_2), WorksheetFunction.ImPower(TFactor_N1, k)))
        If x = 1 Then
            WS.Cells(k + 2, 1 + x).Value = X_k(k)
            WS.Cells(k + 2 + n / 2, 1 + x).Value = X_k(k + n / 2)
        End If
    Next k
    Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error encountered in " & SubName & ": exiting subroutine." _
        & vbNewLine _
        & vbNewLine & "Error description: " & Err.Description _
        & vbNewLine & "Error number: " & Err.Number, vbCritical, Title:="Error!"
    End Sub