I'm using LigGit2Sharp. I've tried using
foreach (Commit commit in repo.Commits)
foreach (var parent in commit.Parents)
//Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", commit.Sha, commit.MessageShort);
However this shows all of the commits history...
What you want to do is create a filtered list (ICommitLog
) between two commit-ish
(commits, trees, tags, ...).
This is a example of getting all the commits between the tip of two branches; a "master" branch and a bug fix branch that has had changes made to it but not merged yet to "master":
public ICommitLog CommitList {
get {
var filter = new CommitFilter {
SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Reverse | CommitSortStrategies.Time,
Since = repo.Branches.Single (branch => branch.FriendlyName == "bugfix1234");
Until = repo.Branches.Single (branch => branch.FriendlyName == "master");
return repo.Commits.QueryBy (filter);