I want to completely remove a vehicle from geoFire, but when I run this:
public void onKeyExited(String key) {
// Remove any old marker
Marker marker = this.markers.get(key);
if (marker != null) {
It is removed from the current view, but when I refresh the location, the vehicle is there.
Your current code just removes the marker from the app, it does not remove any data from the database. To remove a vehicle, you'd do the opposite of what you do when add a vehicle.
From the GeoFire for Java documentation on setting location data:
To set a location for a key simply call the
method. The method is passed a key as a string and the location as aGeoLocation
object containing the location's latitude and longitude:
geoFire.setLocation("firebase-hq", new GeoLocation(37.7853889, -122.4056973));
To remove a location and delete it from the database simply pass the location's key to removeLocation: