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Can I use Marklogic Replication Alerting to run java

I've been studying marklogic replication alerting

I'm not clear on what specifically the alerting configuration in these examples are accomplishing. Could someone elaborate further? ( to be clear I understand the curl aspects)

Configuring Alerting

Use POST /manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs to create the alerting configuration for the master database.

curl -X POST  --anyauth --user admin:admin
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{
  "uri": "",
  "name": "qbfr",
  "description": "alerting rules for query-based flexrep",
  "trigger": [],
  "domain": [],
  "action": [],
  "option": []
   }' \


Use POST /manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions to create the alert action and apply it to the alert configuration.

curl -X POST  --anyauth --user admin:admin
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{
  "name": "log",
  "description": "QBFR log action",
  "module": "/log.xqy",
  "module-db": "master-modules",
  "module-root": "/",
  "option": []
   }' \

http://localhost:8002/manage/v2/databases/master/alert/actions ?uri=

Generally I would like an alert of data added to the replica from the master to execute a java api client process on the replica node. Can this be done with replication alerting?

Regards Conteh


  • I haven't used replication alerting, so I can't comment on that. But in general, if you can run a server-side script, you can call out to a Java web server over HTTP. Use the xdmp:http libraries (here if you prefer server-side javascript). And, of course, you'll need your Java web server running and ready to accept HTTP requests. For that you could use Tomcat, Spring Boot, etc.