I have an Android Recyclerview which has some more rows of item.
In the sense
Recyclerview comprises of
Row 1 ->> TextView , below that one more textview
Row 2 ->> TextView , below that one more textview
Issue is that, whenever I turn on the Talkback, it reads out the entire Recyclerview in one go, which is not expected, it should read one item at a time depending on the focussed item.
Expected behavior is - Read component on Focus when d-pad is moved onto it.
Any help??
It would appear that at some point in the construction process your Recycler View is marked as importantForAccessibility. When a container view is marked as important for accessibility it gathers all of the information within that container and announces it as the content description.
This should remedy the situation.
android:importantForAccessibility="no" //Or "auto"
If at no point in code did you set this otherwise, this would appear to be a bug with your flavor of Android. This is certainly not desirable default behavior.
Changed "no" to "auto". Really we just want it to not be "yes", which is the value that creates the poor behavior. Auto behaves better with Switch Control on modern devices.
Been investigating this on and off for a bit, I don't think there's a Android OS Version agnostic solution here. Android APIs have changed their definition of Focusability vs Accessibility Focusability too many times across too many versions.