I have created a Custom Button as below:
Display Type: List Button Behaviour: Display in existing window wihtout sidebar or header Content: URL
../a02/e? &00N2800000AaCYu={!Opportunity.Id}
&CF00N2800000BHtdT={!Opportunity.Name} &CF00N2800000BHtdY={!Lead.Name}
&00N2800000BHvSK={!Lead.Id} &retURL={!Opportunity.Id}
I am using this button to Create new custom object from Opportunity. I am trying to pass some of my original information from converted Lead to new object. But above Bold codes will not provide any information. Although I still can use SOQL to extract information but I am not sure how to merge SOQL with this URL configurations. Is there any way that I can do this?
I found a workaround for this by using JavaScript:
Behaviour: Execute JavaScript
Content Source: OnClick JavaScript
var myLead = sforce.connection.query("SELECT Id,Name From Lead where ConvertedOpportunityID ='{!Opportunity.Id}' limit 1");
records = myLead.getArray("records");
var myLeadId = records[0].Id;
var myLeadName = records[0].Name;
window.parent.location.href = "../a02/e?" +
"&00N2800000AaCYu=" + '{!Opportunity.Id}' +
"&CF00N2800000BHtdT=" + '{!Opportunity.Name}' +
"&CF00N2800000BHtdY=" + myLeadName +
"&00N2800000BHvSK=" + myLeadId +
"&retURL=" + '{!Opportunity.Id}' ;
I am still interested to find better answers.