I want to add dynamic expression in linq but facing issues on contains method it is working perfectly for Equal method
Problem is i'm getting FilterField
dynamically how to replace in query
So far i had tried
List<int> Ids = new List<int>();
**string filterField ="DEPARTMENT"; ==> Dynamic Field**
var eParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(EmployeeDetail), "e");
var comparison = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(eParam, filterField), Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(Ids), Expression.Property(eParam, filterField).Type));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<EmployeeDetail, bool>>(comparison, eParam);
var countMonthly1 = ctx.tblMonthlyInput.Join(ctx.tblEmployee, a => a.CompanyId, b => b.CompanyId, (a, b) => b).Where(lambda).Count();
I want to make above query works for Contains method using linq expression
sample query :
var countMonthly = (from a in ctx.tblMonthlyInput
join b in ctx.tblEmployee on a.CompanyId equals b.CompanyId
where categoryId.Contains(a.CategoryId) //want to make this dynamic
select a).Count() == 0;
This will work for you:
void Main()
var filterField = "Id";
List<int> Ids = new List<int>();
var eParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(EmployeeDetail), "e");
var method = Ids.GetType().GetMethod("Contains");
var call = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(Ids), method, Expression.Property(eParam, filterField));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<EmployeeDetail, bool>>(call, eParam);
public class EmployeeDetail
public int Id { get; set; }
First, you look for the Contains
method on the type of Ids
. Then we simply invoke it with Ids
as the instance, and the property as the argument