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How to remove specific number of line from existing file and create new text file

I have a text file which is have n number of line, I have extracted few line (suppose 10 lines) from the existing file. Now I want to delete those 10 line from the from the existing file and create the new file with all existing data after removing those 10 lines.

 private void ReWriteFile(string NewFileName)
    List<string> linetoDelete = _errorLine;

    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(_fileName))
       using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(NewFileName))
               // reading the old file remove the error line and create new file                   


Please help me with example.


  •     private void ReWriteFile(string NewFileName) {
            List<String> _errorLine = new List<string>() {
                "Error Line 1", "Error Line 2"
            String _fileName = "InputFile.txt";
            String _outputFile = NewFileName;
            List<string> linetoDelete = _errorLine;
            String[] sourceLines = File.ReadAllLines(_fileName);
            if (sourceLines.Length > 0) {
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_outputFile)) {
                    foreach(String line in sourceLines) {
                        if (!_errorLine.Contains(line)) {

    Reading and writing to text files is a rudimentary part of programming, and your question lacks any evidence of attempting to solve the issue yourself.

    A few points to consider.

    1) When you are reading a text file for processing, load the lot into an array of String objects. The source will not change while you're processing it, so there's no need to keep a reader open holding a handle on the file.

    2) Deleting content from a file is a bad approach, as you are potentially changing the file while processing it. This will cause issues as you're enumerating the file at the time (assuming you are using a reader in a loop).

    3) My approach is not perfect - if the _errorLine list is long, and the source file is also long, there will be a lot of calls to check whether the _errorLines list contains a particular String. There will be a faster way to do this, but I haven't the time to do any extensive testing.

    4) As a follow on to point 3, this code is not tested and may need small adjustment to get it working correctly.

    Finally, when posting a question on SO, showing that you have at least tried to resolve the issue is a better option than just giving us a skeleton example and asking us to do your work for you.

    Please refer to the following pages for information on reading/writing from files.

    The number of fresh graduate programmers I've seen who can't code up basic IO functions like this is somewhat disconcerting!