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How to call the function of a sibling class, from a class within the other sibling class in C#

I have been assigned to upgrade a home media system by enabling remote control of the room audio system through the internet. As it is a legacy system, I am unable to alter much of the architecture. Below is a simplified form of the program. The system is composed of a few main classes initialized in the Home_Media_System object.

class Home_Media_System

    Network _networkdata

    Speakers _speakers

    Lights  _lights

    Household_devices household_devices


class Speakers
    void Play_Audio();

class Network
    UdpReceiver udpReceiver
    UdpTransmitter udpTransmitter


class UdpReceiver
    void receive_audio_player_command()

    void start_audio()
        //How do I call the Play_Audio() function in class Speakers


class UdpTransmitter
    void send_response();

My problem is to call the Play_Audio() function after receiving the command in the UdpReceiver class WITHIN the Network class. I hope this clears up the question title, as it was pretty hard to explain in a single sentence.

Note that the main classes are initialized in the Home_Media_System. Right now I am thinking of using double event handlers, but I wonder if there is a more elegant way to do so.


  • This is some bad hierarchy you have and there is something definitely wrong with design. But just to answer this we can use events/delegates in C# to communicate between siblings via parent. So I will define a event at two places:

    In your Network class and in UdpReceiver class and raise events when needed

    public class Network
        private UdpReceiver udpReceiver;
        UdpTransmitter udpTransmitter
        public event EventHandler PlayAudioEvent;
        public void Network()
            udpReceiver.PlayAudioEvent += PlayAudioEventHandler;
        void PlayAudioEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (PlayAudioEvent != null)
                PlayAudioEvent(this, null);
    public class UdpReceiver
         public event EventHandler PlayAudioEvent;
        void receive_audio_player_command()
        void start_audio()
            //How do I call the Play_Audio() function in class Speakers
            if (PlayAudioEvent != null)
                PlayAudioEvent(this, null);
    public class Home_Media_System
            public void Home_Media_System()
                _networkdata.PlayAudioEvent +=  PlayAudioEventHandler
            void PlayAudioEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)

    also make all your classes as public/internal and method also as public.