I have a Warehouse Model which is getting index as follows
class WarehouseIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
SearchIndex Class that stored indexes for Model Warehouse
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
search_auto = NgramField()
def get_model(self):
return WareHouse
In my shell I am running the following sqs query.
>>> sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(WareHouse)
>>> sqs.filter(customers=3).filter(search_auto='pondicherry')
This returns result consisting of results that do not have exact term pondicherry
it also provides me some results that match terms like ich
, che
, ndi
, etc.
I have even tried using __exact
and Exact
but all return the same result?
EDIT: Index mapping, Index Setting
How can I avoid this and provide result only of term pondicherry
As @Val has stated in the above answer, the error was because search_analyzer and indexed_analyzer are same which caused the issue,
As we all know haystack
is very inflexible in setting up the basic elasticsearch configuration, I installed elasticstack and in my setting.py changed the backend to it's elasticsearch_backend
as suggest and additionally added the following 2 configurations
# elasticslack setting
this seemed to solve my problem.