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Disable hockey for app store version

I don't want to include hockey sdk in my app store version. As a result, I create two target and for app store target, I don't include hockey sdk. In my app delegate, I write like this.

#ifdef DEBUG
#import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>
#import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>
#import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>
    [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] configureWithIdentifier:HOCKEY_KEY];
    [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] startManager];
    [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager].authenticator authenticateInstallation];
    [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager].feedbackManager setFeedbackObservationMode:BITFeedbackObservationModeThreeFingerTap];
else if (ENV == ENV_APPSTORE) {


Problem is that when I run or archive for app store target, it say "Use of undeclared identifier BITHockeyManager". How shall I do to exclude hockey sdk and their code only for app store version?


  • It is not correct to exclude a lib in this way. In order to get the Complier work for your code, you need to always import HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h.

    I have two suggestions to meet your requirements:

    Solotion 1: Build two separate apps, one for pre-release test which can distributed via HockeyApp; the other for Apple Store Release without importing HockeyApp.

    Solution 2: Keep one build with HockeyApp integrated. The HockeyApp SDK should check for the existence of a provisioning profile in the App bundle to detect the AppStore environment and then automatically disables all beta only features of HockeyApp. (i.e. "In-App-Updates" in the iOS SDK (for Beta & Enterprise only) are automatically disabled when running in an App Store build by default. You can refer here for more information.