I followed the docs in order to get access to my ELK Service:
cf login
And selecting appropriate org and space
cf create-service-key <service-instance-name> mykey
And then
cf service-key <service-instance-name> mykey
All of which works so far. However, accessing the kibana URL fails
cf service-connector 9000 http://xmnlzu2mkmsn05ll.service.consul:56063
with the following error
FAILED Value for remote host and remote port is not valid.
There is no firewall blocking rule for this.
Edit: There is also no proxy
The current version of the service connector expects the hostname:port without protocol prefix. Could you try:
cf service-connector 9000 xmnlzu2mkmsn05ll.service.consul:56063
That should work as expected.
(Disclaimer: I work for Swisscom)