I want to be able to submit a number for any player in the table.
I am generating a table with *ngFor in Angular2.
For each element in that table I add a form with an input field.
How can I submit and include the input value from those forms?
<tr *ngFor="#player of players">
<td>{{player.value | currency:'GBP':true:'4.0-0'}}</td>
<form role="form" (submit)="onBid($event, player)">
<input type="number" min={{player.value}} value={{player.value}}>
<button type="submit">Bid</button>
I haven't been able to submit and retrieve the value from the input box.
Doing it for a static form where I can define id="inputname"
and #inputname
and then add inputname.value
to the (submit)="onBid(inputname.value)"
I've tried adding id={{player.id}}
and #{{player.id}}
but don't know how to add it to onBid()
<form role="form" (submit)="onBid($event, player, name.value)">
<input type="number" #name min={{player.value}} value={{player.value}}>
<button type="submit">Bid</button>
onBid(e,player,value) {
player.inputValue=value; //<-----this will add new property to your existing object with input value.