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Helper Function to Determine if Nat `mod` 5 == 0

Xash provided me with a helpful answer on Function to Determine if Nat is Divisible by 5 at Compile-Time (that I re-named from my original long name):

onlyModBy5 : (n : Nat) -> n `modNat` 5 = 0 -> Nat
onlyModBy5 n prf = n

A previous answer educated me how to run it on the REPL using the Refl argument:

-- 5 % 5 == 0, so it should compile
*Test> onlyModBy5 5 Refl
5 : Nat 

-- 7 % 5 == 2, so it should not compile
*Test> onlyModBy5 7 Refl
(input):1:12:When checking an application of function Main.onlyModBy5:
        Type mismatch between
                x = x (Type of Refl)
                modNat 7 5 = 0 (Expected type)

                Type mismatch between

Then, I tried to define a helper function that would provide the second prf (proof) argument for conciseness. In other words, I'd prefer the caller of this function to not have to provide the Refl argument.

onlyModBy5Short : (n : Nat) -> Nat
onlyModBy5Short n = onlyModBy5 n Refl

But, it does not compile:

When checking right hand side of onlyModBy5Short with expected type

When checking an application of function Main.onlyModBy5:
        Type mismatch between
                0 = 0 (Type of Refl)
                modNat n 5 = 0 (Expected type)

                Type mismatch between
                        Prelude.Nat.modNatNZ, mod' n 4 SIsNotZ n n 4
Holes: Main.onlyModBy5Short

How, if possible, can this function be written?


  • You can make onlyModBy5's second argument an auto argument:

    onlyModBy5 : (n : Nat) -> {auto prf : n `modNat` 5 = 0} -> Nat
    onlyModBy5 n = n

    This works because for a given literal value of n, n `modNat` 5 can always be reduced, and so n `modNat` 5 = 0 will always reduce to 0 = 0 (in which case the constructor Refl has the right type) unless n is truly not divisible by 5.

    Indeed, this will allow you to typecheck

    foo : Nat
    foo = onlyModBy5 25

    but reject

    bar : Nat
    bar = onlyModBy5 4