I have DBGdrid
and there are columns what show ID's
from an MS Access database. How can I change them to real values like item name, client name, employee name
I have code (test code, I just tried to get all items names from table and I could save them to array or variable and change with DBGrid
values what show id's), but I don't know how to change DBGrid
value fields.
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var i,j:integer; mas:string;
Button1.Enabled := false;
Button2.Enabled := true;
Button3.Enabled := true;
Form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM items_specification';
j:= Form1.ADOQuery1.RecordCount;
Form1.ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM items_specification WHERE item_id = :ID';
Form1.ADOQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('ID').Value := i;
mas:= Form1.ADOQuery1['item_name'];
ShowMessage(mas) ;
until (i = j+1);
Maybe you have any suggestions how to solve the problem, I will appreciate that.
In MS Access I have made look up to show names there, mby there is some way to do that in DBGrid
But code doesn't matter.. My big question is how to set item name, client name and employee name in DBGrid
(in values not column title)?! In MS Access those fields where is id is number, so if I even edit DBGrid
it don't allow me to change value to string.. Only way what I could imagine is to broke relationships in MS Access and change fields to ShortText
, but I think is not the best way.
To show values in a DBGrid
cell that are not actually in your database, you can add a calculated field
You double click on the source: ADOQuery1
and add all the fields you want to the available field list. Then you add a new field.
(I've left the other fields empty because I'm lazy, but you should make sure to add all the fields from the database that you want to list)
You set the properties as required (don't forget that radiobutton in the middle of the dialog).
In your form a new Field will be added matching the name you gave in the Name
box (prefixed with the dataset name).
You then double click on the OnCalcFields
event of the dataset (ADOQuery1
) and insert to code to populate your calculated fields, e.g.:
procedure TForm44.ADOQuery1CalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
ADOQuery1ExampleCalc1.AsString:= 'Prefix:'+DataSet.FieldByName('Field1').AsString;
ADOQuery1ExampleCalc2.AsInteger:= DataSet.FieldByName('Amount').AsInteger+100;
If you display many rows, you will find that it may display slowly. In that case replace the FieldByName
with the actual field reference, e.g. ADOQuery1Field1
FieldByName does a lookup every time it's invoked which slows things down.
Note 2
You can also combine data from 2 database tables in the OnCalcFields event, but beware that event gets called once for every row on display, so make sure your lookup is snappy.
If not it may be a better idea to change the SQL statement in your query.
Further reading
See here (if you want to do this at run time): Adding a calculated field to a Query at run time
Here's the official documentation:
Sample code: