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Custom template(transclusion without ng-content) for list component in Angular2

I have a list component which shows only names. list component should be able to take custom template which will be given by user.

List Component

import {Component } from 'angular2/core';

  selector: 'my-list',
  template: `<p>This is List</p>
       <li *ngFor="#i of data"><div class='listItem'>{{}}</div></li>
export class MyList implements OnInit{ 
    data: Array<any> = [{name: 'John', age: 26},{name: 'Kevin', age: 26},  {name:'Simmons', age:26}];

My Requirement

   <div>{{}}-{{i.age}}</div> //user should be able to provide custom template like this

I tried this with ng-content but it throws error. In angular 1 same thing used to work with transcluded content. do we have any alternative of manual transclusion in angular 2 and if not then how could we implement this feature in angular2.

Here is Plunker


  • You need to use ngForTemplate, I've created PrimeNG DataList and many other DataComponents using this technique and it works great. Demo;


    In your component, define a templateRef with contentchild;

    @ContentChild(TemplateRef) itemTemplate: TemplateRef;

    Your template becomes;

    template: `<p>This is List</p>
           <template ngFor [ngForOf]="data" [ngForTemplate]="itemTemplate"></template>

    So that your users can define content like;

       <template #anything>