I have an R package A and a package B. The package B genuinely depends on A for some of its functions. The package A depends on B, but only for testing. So the package dependency is not genuinely circular.
The travis build fails for A because upon installing A it tries to install B only to find A is not installed.
How can I tell travis not to worry about B until it starts testing?
My thoughts are to:
But both seem as drastic as abandoning unit testing.
I've mocked up an minimum reproducible example:
When I push AAAA
to travis, I get:
ERROR: dependency ‘AAAA’ is not available for package ‘BBBB’
removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BBBB’
Error: Command failed (1)
Execution halted
My actual packages are
I suspect you know the answer to this: Just avoid the circular dependency.
There just was an insightful and detailed discussion about a very related situation on the r-devel list in this thread. You a look at the discussion there; several options were proposed and the original poster was somewhat convinced -- just like you here -- that the standard laws of gravity would not apply to them.
I would just avoid the problem and put the commonalities into a new package pkgC
upon which pkgA
and pkgB
can depend, or even just suggest it. Another simply solution (also proposed in the thread) is to just merge pkgA
and pkgB