I want to change the ng-bind-html vale, but have no idea how to do that.
My initial ng-bind-html vale is :-
<p class="forum-content" id="{{post.id}}" ng-bind-html="renderHtml(post.content)|truncate:90"></p>
and want this value:
<p class="forum-content" id="{{post.id}}" ng-bind-html="renderHtml(post.content)"></p>
after a button being pressed.
Initially it is truncating my data to 90 character and I want to show full data after button being pressed. My main moto is to show full data after button(read-more) being pressed.
Simple trick:
<p class="forum-content" id="{{post.id}}" ng-bind-html="renderHtml(post.content)|truncate:limit"></p>
<button ng-click="showAll()">Show all</button>
and in the controller:
$scope.limit = 90;
$scope.showAll = function() {
$scope.limit = 100000000; // should be large enough not to truncate anything
This will still try to truncate though. If you really want to avoid it, a cleaner solution is to use the filter in the controller:
<p class="forum-content" id="{{post.id}}" ng-bind-html="renderAndTruncateHtml(post.content)"></p>
<button ng-click="showAll()">Show all</button>
and in the controller:
$scope.shouldTruncate = true;
$scope.renderAndTruncateHtml = function(value) {
var result = $scope.renderHtml(value);
if ($scope.shouldTruncate) {
result = $filter('truncate')(result, 90);
return result;
$scope.showAll = function() {
$scope.shouldTruncate = false;